Wednesday, September 30, 2009

40, 1/2 Life

40 came & went. I feel no different than 39. Yesterday was a great day. We went to Disney Hollywood Studios. I signed up for the free admission for my b-day, but since we have admission included in our vacation package I was able to exchange the certificate for 6 FastPasses. We went on Tower of Terror, Rock'N Rollercoaster, Toy Story 2x. The birthday FastPass is awesome because you can get all 6 at once. See regular FastPasses require you to wait 60-90 minutes between each one. For dinner we ate at the 50's Prime Time Cafe. It is a great place if you have never been. They will insult you, ask you to set the table, keep your elbows off the table, and finish your vegetables. If you do not, this is what happens:

Sharkey finishing veggies

If you want to see more of our escapades, hop over to my Flickr page.

The first forty years have been wonderful. I think the next forty will be equally good, but different. I have learned a lot, experienced a lot, graduated from college, fell for the perfect woman, got married, moved to PA, changed jobs 2x, lost my father, helped my wife get through breast cancer, served on church council, and shaved 15 strokes off my golfing. So what is next? It seems that the first part of my life shaped me and put me in a place to share my experiences with another. So to that end Sharkey & I completed our application to adopt a child from China. So Lord willing we will get a referral to travel 1/2 way around the world to pick up a daughter. It has been a long process & looks to be a long wait with the international laws changing and the applications numerous, but we hope we will get our referral in time. Sharkey has not been quick to share because of the wait, but I feel some of my coworkers know and those of you who read my blog know me as well if not better than they do, so I made the call to put it out there! Praying for the change to come in good time!


Lola said...

That is SO exciting! I will have my fingers crossed for you guys, but who wouldn't want to give you a kid?! I expect to see her at lots of band events :o)

Also, I've heard of that 50's restaurant, but I just don't get it - why would you want to go somewhere where they're purposely going to give you a hard time? I bet there's no substitutions on the menu, either.

Profit-izing the Love said...

That is the best news ever! Happy belated 40th. May the next 40 be even more exciting and waaaay more fun.

WILLIAM said...

I love that pic.