Yesterday was interesting. I've been trying to learn my new gig in record time. I've been doing pretty well with that goal. See the thing is I have always felt I can do pretty much anything I want by thinking it through and I've been resourceful enough to make it through the most difficult situations. But the downside is that aspect of my personality can also get me into some "interesting" situations at times. So yesterday I found myself in the situation where I was trying to find yet another workable solution to a seemingly impossible problem. So in pursuit of a solution, I skipped lunch, ran up and down a flight of stairs like 20x, and worked about 12 hours straight. Needless to say, I finished what I wanted and completed some good work, but I was F-R-I-E-D!!! I suppose having a never say die and never give up attitude has its drawbacks.
So I get home, it's raining. It's been raining for days now on the East Coast. We haven't seen the sun in a few days. So I was hungry, tired, and needed to decompress. Rainy day? Comfort, feel good food? Hum... So Sharkey and I went to one of our favorite Japanese establishments and we had some good sushi and I had a nice hot bowl of soup, tempura udon to be specific:
There's just something about a hot bowl of noodles in yummy broth with a little chili powder that just puts things back into perspective!!! Oh and the deep fried shrimp and veggies didn't hurt either!!
There is nothing that some good sushi can't fix. That is by far, the ONLY thing I miss about being a vegetarian. Oh sure, I can get veggies rolls, but it's just not the same. *sigh*
I'm glad you got your work done.
I would have loved to have seen you running up and down those stairs. Notice I didn't say fallling, I said running ;-)
suzieq Yeah I admit I can be a "Freaktard" when it comes to stairs. The more I'm in a hurry, the faster and more stair steps I take. So typically I'm bounding up. I think I probably look ridiculous.
Are those some critters' legs sticking up out of your bowl?
When you said you were f-r-i-e-d, I first read it as f-i-r-e-d! Yikes, there's a big difference! Whew!
Yes. Yes. Tempura udon cures all.
cb Um, those be "shimps" sis'. And no I haven't been fired. At least not yet... =)
kranki Udon...It's what's for dinner!!
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