Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Fit Is Go

Sharkey and I are sitting her watching "The Office" like we always do on a Thursday. The Honda commercial comes on plugging "30 Rock" and their slogan comes up...

The Fit Is Go

I think we are not the target market for the vehicle, because we cannot figure out what the hell this marketing means. Sharkey thinks it is something to do with velocity, like "The Fit really goes." Now I am of the mindset that maybe this deals with like the old Thunderbirds slogan, "Thunderbirds are GO!"

Bottom line is neither one of us knows what this slogan means. Can anyone explain to us what the heck this means?????


WILLIAM said...

"Did Darrel touch you?"

Anonymous said...

I guess I must be in the target market, because I never really questioned what the slogan meant, but I think your theory is the correct one. Like "The Fit is [ready to] Go."

PS: My friend drives a Fit and squeezed in two people plus the following items from Ikea: a bed, quilt, chair, and 2 7-foot bookcases(!) ..Impressive!

Bogart said...

I thought I was their target market and never really thought about it, rather just accepted it as their that you mention it, it really makes no sense.

I guess that is why I am driving a Pathfinder.

JP said...

william Life is a highway, I want to drive it all night long...

lola The Fit really is cavernous

bogart Exactly my point! Thanks for stopping by!