It's that time again. The air is colder, the kids are picking out costumes and it's time to stock up on candy. Sharkey and I make sure to always pick up candy that we wouldn't mind eating. I think we overdid it a bit last year because I ended up taking a ziplock bag to work filled with leftover candy. So here's the JP/Sharkey fundamental list of required Halloween Candy:
Kit Kat
Hershey's Almond
Hershey's Plain
What candy do you stock at this S~P~O~O~K~Y time of year?
I bought Wagon Wheels for the kids this year simply because I remember thinking very highly of the people who gave them out when I was a kid. They were the COOL PEOPLE! I don't expect to have any left over, though. Bummer.
Oh, and they are nut free as well for the peanut allergy kids. They get ripped off this time of year, I think.
I don't like kids so I don't give out candy.
I'm kidding (sort of). We usually get home too late to get most of the younger trick or treaters. By the time we get home it's just the punks with pillowcases walking around. If I'm feeling generous, I will give out stuff that I like in case we have leftovers and since I'm a candyholic, that leaves a vast variety of options.
We ususally give the stuff of the hard candy variety. Lollipops and stuff like that. That stuff keeps around our house forever.
kranki OK, what are Wagon Wheels? I have never heard of them before. Maybe I can setup a trade with you. Tastykake for some Wagon Wheels? =)
q Yeah you aren't just the president of candyholics, you are also a member, right? Punks w/ pillowcases...heh...
william You can be like Kojak walking around w/ a DumDum in tow. Who loves ya baby?
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