My dog Maggie is the cutest dog alive.
My dog Maggie is a big fool.
My dog Maggie loves me unconditionally.
My dog Maggie has so much puppy energy that I have to walk her 3/4 of a mile every day.
My dog Maggie has so much puppy energy that walks have been replaced by skateboard trips with her pulling me down the road
My dog Maggie must be in contact with my feet whenever possible.
My dog Maggie snores when she's asleep and does the doggie twitching and high pitch 1/2 woofs.
My dog Maggie did not know how to play when we first got her, but she caught on really fast and now lives to play.
My dog Maggie sings every morning when she wakes up and when she wants to go for a walk.
My dog Maggie leaves her toys all over the place.
My dog Maggie is amazed I manage to make it home time after time.
My dog Maggie likes DQ soft serve.
My dog Maggie has THE MOST PRISSY BARK I've ever heard
My dog Maggie is an excellent car passenger
My dog Maggie always gets a drink from the shower in the morning when I dunk my head
My dog Maggie is now asleep under the coffee table, no wait under the side table, no wait by the steps....
I love my dog Maggie very much....
That was so sweet!
...Does she really pull you around though? That's insane!
Aw. Poor puppy that didn't know how to sad. But she is happy now and you are a good puppy daddy to her.
Awwwwwwwww, this is so sweet....what's going on with you? Why are you being so warm and fuzzy all of a sudden? Are you still sleep deprived? Do you have a fever? ;-)
Your dog Maggie wishes you a Happy Birthday. And so do I.
Happy Birthday, ye old fool. (I take that back knowing who you're married to.)
UM, are you saying that I'm the old fool?!? :)
'Cuz I don't think I could argue with you if you were.
Happy Birthday! (Sharkey sent me.)
Happy Birthday Stud!
Happy Birthday! Of course, I was going to call you "Chef", but it sounded so lame after SoozieQ called you "Stud", that I'll just leave it at happy birthday and call it good. ;)
I was just at Sharkey's sight and saw that it was your birthday! Have a wonderful day JP! Maybe I'll see you when you're in MN.
Thanks all!!! I appreciate the well wishes! Hope you enjoyed the little Ode to Mags too! =)
lola Yep it's true, she can pull me. She's a peanut, but can generate enough power to get moving. Hills are a blast! I have to jump off sometimes because we are just cruisin!
kranki It's true. When we first got her we would give her a toy and have to literally put it in her mouth. She was just pathetic. She got over that pretty quickly and now has toys a plenty!!
suzie I'm secure enough in my manliness to express affection for my dog.... OK, I did need a bit more sleep the night I posted this and when I read it I even go, what the f..... =)
Happy Birthday JP! Sharkey sent me, of course. And I'm late. Have fun in MN!
I am sorry I missed your birthday! Hope it was a good one.
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