Today LucasArts released a new game, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Being the Star Wars fan boy I am, I of course could not wait to get my hands on it. I went to Circuit City at lunch to get it. Here's how this trip to Circuity City went:
JP: Do you have the new Star Wars game for the Wii?
Teenage Store Clerk: Uh, did that come out today or yesterday?
JP: I'm pretty sure it released today.
Teenage Store Clerk: Did you check Gamestop? I don't think we have any (Teenage Store Clerk guy doesn't even look at his computer or ask anyone else)
JP: Um, Gamespot? (JP starts laughing!) This is Circuity City right, don't you want me to buy it from you?
Teenage Store Clerk: (shrugging shoulders in a, "I don't know what the hell I'm doing" posture) sorry sir if you want to check back later, maybe we'll have some...
JP: OK, I'll just head to Best Buy after work.
I go to Best Buy on my way home, they have the game and I check out and because I bought the game on release day, YES CIRCUIT CITY TODAY IS RELEASE DAY, I received a free T-shirt. I get home, Sharkey takes it out of the plastic to see what geeky clothing I'll be sporting around the house. She starts laughing. She turns the shirt around and says, "Honey, what kind of flaming dance is the Storm Trooper doing?"
OK, so if the Stormtrooper had a top hat and cane, I could totally picture the "Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime girl" song playing in the background. And well, yeah it does look sort of gay, but it's free people...
Addition... Found this on YouTube... Hee heee....
May the force be with you. *jazz hands*
kranki I laughed out loud when I read this!! Ha!!! Jazz Hands!!!
Michigan J Trooper.
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