Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Volume Control...Need It? Got it? Can It Be Taught?

There is a skill most of us are taught by our parents. It is called volume control. You know what I mean right? Small kids totally do not have it, but parents try their hardest to teach them to whisper or speak in their soft, quiet voice. Recently at work I was moved to another team and that meant I had to relocate my cube to another aisle. The aisle for the most part is not too bad. I am very easy going and I get along with pretty much everyone so no problem there. However.... I have this woman in my aisle who talks really loud. I mean I can hear every conversation from 3 cubes away. And to make matters worse I catch snippets of what she says and I find myself saying, "Are you kidding me? That totally is not true...." Like this:


It's like listening to Cliffy on Cheers explain the expansion of the universe or the mating habits of the New Zealand humpback whales. Needless to say I have a hard time blocking her out. I have to admit, some of the things she says amuses me at times and I think she's in her own little world, but I just wish I had a remote control to turn her down. Until that device becomes available, I guess I'll just have to rely on the good old iPhone and my headphones...


WILLIAM said...

I am slightly deaf, Years of working in a nightclub, and people at work always tell me I am loud when I am on the phone.

Anonymous said...

When I first saw the drawing, I thought the woman was me. Thank God it's not!

Kranki said...


Anonymous said...

There's definitely a couple very loud people who sit near me. The worst, though, was this lady who was laid off earlier this year, because she talked all day long about all sorts of stuff, yet if anyone else opened their mouth (work-related or not), she would start grumbling and complaining about how loud everyone else was.

Character Builder said...

Sharkey, I can see where you might think that was you...the resemblance is uncanny.

Sucks to be you, dude. Hopefully, someday Lauren will learn volume control. Or "pause" at the very least.

Bogart said...

Is she loud or does her voice just carry a long way? Just wonder'n.

JP said...

william So when you drive through at Mickey D's you are a "yeller" I take?

kranki Word Kranki, Word...

sharkey Honey, honey...it's not you. Although the similarities in the posture are staggering!

lola I am convinced if I go over and start talking to her, I will be sucked into the black hole of tangents and loud, useless non-factual statements. I am just not ready to go there.

cb "I'm annoying, I get it, it's what I do." =)

bogart Well it's actually both. People from 3 aisles away benefit from her unique wisdom! The guy that sit next to me is starting to feel the same way I do and has been making faces when she goes on her tirades.