Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How Do These Songs Get Passed On?

Sharkey and I have the most stimulating conversations. We solve earth shattering issues. We discuss ethical dilemmas currently facing our country. We plan strategies to solve many of the common man's problems. Our last topic was especially stimulating. For this session we discussed the way certain songs are passed from generation to generation from geographic location to location. Case in point, the Jingle Bells, Batman smells song:

Jingle Bells, Batman Smells, Robin laid an egg...

Batmobile lost its wheel so the Joker got away...

The Jingle Bells, Batman smells songs transcends gender, generations, and geographic location. You could go from East to West coast, north to south, and find someone who knows this song by heart and can sing the entire thing back to you. So how does this phenomenon happen? I know the song has been featured on The Simpsons, Family guy, and on various TV shows, but the interesting thing is that even before those shows, back in the 70's (yes we were little kids of the bell bottom, long hair, bad clothing era), Sharkey and I both knew that song. How does that happen? I lived in NJ. Sharkey is from MN. That's like 1000 miles. So would you like to join our deep, insightful conversation and lend your theories? =)


Character Builder said...

It's just plain classic, that's all.

Anonymous said...

I just sang this song to my Niece this weekend (bad Aunt)!!

I have no idea where I learned it, but whatever the case it was all the way out in CA in the 70's too!

Speaking of you two having deep, insightful conversations....every time one of those Sonic commercials comes on (with the man and woman in the car talking), the Hubs tells me that they remind him of you two. Heh ;-)

WILLIAM said...

My theory is that the batman version is the original and the one they play on the radio is the parody.

JP said...

CB I think it could be a classic. I'm sure if you asked your kids, they could sing it as well.

Q I'm glad we made such an impression on the Hubs that when he sees fast food commercials with deep fried, fatty foods he thinks of us...

william That is crazy enough to be true!!