Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Travel in 2007

If you did not know, Sharkey and I typically travel quite a bit. We both like traveling and seeing the sights. We've been asked what the plans were for 2007. Well sitting here tonight I figured I'd write about a few potential destinations for 2007. To start, my Sharkey wife has a birthday at the end of March. We were talking and were thinking it is about time we head to our nation's capital and take in the cherry blossoms! We've been there before when they were in bloom and it is absolutely spectacular.


Also, we like D.C. We ride the Metro, go to Georgetown and take in some of the museums. My favorite is the National Air and Space Museum, but I also really like visiting the Museum of American History. It really gives perspective of how young our country really is and how much things have evolved and well, devolved since our country was founded. I think it's important to know where you've been in order to figure out where you're going. The other nice thing is that DC is about a 2 hour drive from our house. The great thing about living in eastern PA is that you are pretty much 45 minutes away from 3 different states, and just a little bit more from some decent, interesting places.

Next is North Carolina. Hickory, NC to be specific. My gigantic 6 foot 7 nephew is graduating from high school and we plan on seeing him take the walk in his cap and gown. High School graduation. GGGGGGEEEEEEEEZZZZZZEEEE!! I can remember holding this kid when he was a newborn and carrying him around my parents house. Now he could carry me around with one arm. When we are in NC, we may stop in on my old boss and her husband and see what Raleigh, NC is like.

In July we'll most likely be in Orlando, FL. Our company's annual customer conference will be there again this year, and typically both of us get to go hang out with the clients. And hummm..... Orlando is near........ DISNEY WORLD!!! Yeah, yeah, I know we were just there last year, but man I love the house of the mouse....


These trips are going to be relatively short (i.e. less than a week). We haven't really taken a really huge vacation in quite a while. When I say huge, I mean like a 10-14 day vacation. That's my idea of relaxing. Being out of work for 1/2 a month is a GOOD thing! Now it would be really nice to go for that big of a trip, but it would take some Sharkey convincing. But a guy can dream right? Well, if I had to pick somewhere to go to relax, I have to pick somewhere tropical, somewhere with coconuts and palm trees and island time. Hum...where could that be?


The thing is, since Sharkey and I have traveled so much, in the past, we've racked up Marriott rewards points and airline miles to get a few nights and free tickets to the islands. So now I just need to work the angles and see if we can work the mojo... =)

Happy trails in 2007!!


Anonymous said...

We're going to be in FL again in July too!!! But we'll be back where we were before (Delray Beach) which isn't near where you guys will be :-(

What are the dates of your customer conference?

Ok I vote that you guys go to Hawaii and make a "small" detour through California. We can show you the sights :-)

Kranki said...

I think lots of little trips are really nice but it is a 'must' to go on a big trip every few years or so. Some place like Italy or Cook Islands or Hong Kong. A place where you have to struggle with the language a little. A place where you have to deal with math for the weird money. Really get some culture shock.

JP said...

suzieq 7/15-7/19. I vote for Hawaii too!! We are currently in negotiations....

kranki we have talked about possibly going to Japan at some time. That would be interesting.