I was talking to my golf partner this past week. We are both excited the freakin' ice in PA is finally receding and we can start hitting. When I talked to him he was also excited because he was getting Lasik surgery this weekend.
Now I'm a progressive guy. I can see the virtue in not having to bother with eye glasses and contact lenses, but if you've read some of my previous posts, you also know I get FREAKED when anything gets approximately 6 inches away from my head (remember this picture, yeah it still totally applies to this).
I just cannot see getting Lasik. No way. Not doing it. Have some guy slice into my eye and reshape it with a surgical laser? Um, no. I think not. I'll put up with wearing the glasses, reordering the contact lenses and be content with seeing big blurry puffy images around the room when I wake up in the morning. I know, it's a common procedure now, with a high success rate, and everybody who is anybody is doing it, but at this point I've decided to be that one individual lemming that halts at the edge of that cliff and watches his bothers and sisters plummet to their demise below. Besides, my intellectual, nerdy mind says to me sure it's cool, it works, but um, where are the 20-30 year follow up's on the people who had this done. And the upside? Glasses make you look intelligent and sophisticated. If a contact offends you, you can just pluck it out and toss it. And the biggest one is no high powered laser blasts into my eyeballs and melts my brain!!!
So those are my reasons. But the question is, would you do it?
I made the horrible mistake of watching the Hubs' procedure (the Dr. said it was interesting and pointed me to the giant TV screen/monitor). I almost passed out when they sliced his eyeball and lifted a flap and FOLDED IT BACK.
I dry heaved just typing that.
So nope. Not gonna do it.
Although the Hubs could NOT be happier with the results. He was very, VERY blind before (had been wearing glasses since the age of 9) and contacts for maybe 4 years before he decided to do it. He can see perfectly now and loves not having to wear glasses or contacts.
But I still wouldn't do it. I have to wear glasses to drive and see the TV. Big whoop! I'll keep my non sliced eyeballs, thankyouverymuch.
I would do it in a HEARTBEAT!!! In fact I have a very small (about 20 bucks in pennies) but growing "Eye Zapping" fund as the place where I want to get my proceedure done charges $3,500. They don't cut a flap in your eye but only use the laser. It is newer technology. This clinic does all the surgery for our local professional sports teams as well as airlines for their pilots so I trust them.
This is coming from somebody who is TERRIFIED of even the most painless of medical proceedures. A legacy of cancer treatment. However I am very familiar with the wonderousness of Ativan. Pop a couple of those puppies and not only will pretty much anything the docs want to do to you be no big deal but it induces mild amnesia so you won't remember anything that might have even sorta freaked you out.
So yes, I'd do it but only completely blitzed out of my mind.
suzieq If that ain't love, what is? =)
kranki Eye zapping fund? Ha!!
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