Last week Sharkey and I took a short trip to Orlando. Specifically Disney World. Yes, JP loves Disney and all life changes happen at Disney (pssst..if you did not know, Sharkey and I got engaged at Disney), because it is where Magic Lives. Just ask them. Also, let's face it, when you drop the amount of money it requires to stay on Disney Property with park tickets and dining plan something magical better damn well happen! But still it was a lot of fun, we got a free room upgrade, had awesome food, lots of laughs and oddly enough, rumor has it that Character Builder's family is thinking of doing Disney in 2008? Do I hear BACK TO BACK DISNEY?!? =)
This week Sharkey and I took a road trip to Pittsburgh to attend the 1st round of the U.S. Open. The drive took about 4 hours, the hotel in Pittsburgh, the Holiday Inn Select at the University is surprisingly very nice. It's been just remodeled and the bed is pretty comfy. It is going to feel absolutely wonderful tonight! Here's the pass I had attached to my shirt for the entire day:

The day was absolutely perfect. No humidity, high 70's and perfect. The only drawback was we had to get up around 5AM. There were gobs and gobs of people there today too, even at 6AM in the morning, which was the time we made it to the US Open parking lot. It was interesting seeing who attends Professional Golf Tournaments. Mostly middle aged cigar smoking, beer drinking men. Sharkey was in the minority. And I caught a few of those bastards looking her up and down, but what the hey it made me feel good! =) It was equally fun watching the professionals hack it around at Oakmont Country Club. Now you know JP is an avid golfer and I have my ups and downs on the course like everyone else, but I never saw the pro's have similar issues to me. Granted, the course they played on today is infinitely harder than the ones I play, but it still shows hey they really are human. I found it funny that most of them look like guys I run into on the course every day. I also learned some great tips watching the pros that I plan to inject into my game.
So Monday play time is over and I start my new job! I'm pretty excited. I cannot wait to start a new gig and being the "new guy." I have one and a half days of corporate orientation, then get to meet my new team and start doing that thing that I do. New challenges, new opportunities, and a totally different industry. All I have to say for now is LIFE IS GOOD!!!!
Glad you guys had fun at Disney at at the golf dealy. So these "gobs" of people, where they covered in something sticky? When I hear "gobs" I think "sticky."
Yes, plan on Disney again next year. I haven't checked the school calendar, but this year the kids' spring break was the week before Easter. Probably about the same time next year. Can't wait!
cb Disney in 08! Sharkey was saying the other day it would be a lot of fun with the family.
Life is good! Sounds like a great little vacay.
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