Monday, August 04, 2008

This Grinds My Gears...

I have seen a phenomenon lately that is quite disturbing. I am not sure if this unexplained action is widespread across the United States, or if it is just limited to the north east. The frequency I see this weirdness has been increasing to more than a few times a week. What have I witnessed do you ask? Well simply, I have seen people driving these:

Wearing these.....

Sony Earbuds

Call me old fashioned, but my Dad taught me that driving is a full time job and it just seems so wrong to see people with earbuds in while they are driving. I realize that people listen to the radio or stereo loud in the car, but total sound block out just seems like an accident waiting to happen. Is it just me or does anyone else see a problem with this?


Kranki said...

I believe that this earbud driving combo is illegal in my city. However, that doesn't seem to stop people from doing it as I see it all the time. Also cyclists with iPods which I think is equally dangerous. We even have an advisory that women shouldn't wear earbuds outside due to an increased risk of mugging.

I never wear mine outside the house.

So in short, yes, I too see a big problem with this.

Anonymous said...

If I'm not mistaken, it's illegal here to do that. If it's not illegal, it should be. People drive bad enough already, they don't need any help.

They just passed a law that makes it illegal to talk on the cell phone (other than hands-free) while driving here. Yet I still see idiots with the phone pressed up to their ears, oblivious to the fact that they're causing a situation because they a) forgot to use their turn signal b) are driving 10 miles per hour too slow c) missed their turn-off and cut across 3 lanes of traffic to correct the problem, etc.


So no, you're not alone in thinking this phenomenon is wrong!

WILLIAM said...

I think it is illegal in most states. Problem is that the Cops don't stop enough people for it.

JP said...

I was thinking maybe it's nature weeding out the stupid.