Now you know I am the 37 year old with a 7 year old perspective towards life. Sharkey always said my child like attitude is part of my appeal. Is she awesome or what? If you read some of my previous BLOG posts you also know I like superheroes. I've always liked them. What's the appeal? Why does a grown man think a guy with an emblazoned "S" on his chest with a red cape is a powerful, iconic figure?
I think it is because they inspire me and there is an appealing thing with seeing good triumph over evil. Yeah, I'm all about good winning in the end. I believe the world needs heroes. Heroes are genuine. You pretty much know what they are about. The superheroes do not typically have hidden agendas, don't cave to public opinion, and don't care about being politically correct. They kick the crap out of the bad guys. They stand up for people who cannot stand up for themselves. They transcend adversity and for the most part do things above and beyond what is expected of anyone. And no matter how tough it gets or what the cost is, they never give up. Ever. There's something to be said for that attitude. How many people can truly say they have never given up and did not take the easy way out?
And then there's the powers. In order to be super and do the things that only they can do, the superheroes have powers. It enables them to do what they need to do and get the job done.
For example, take the Flash. Super speed.
Green Lantern, power ring enabled super hero. He channels his will through his ring and can create objects of pure energy from his power ring:
Batman. The world's greatest detective. He is vengenance incarnate.
Wonder Woman. Amazon princess who can fly, possesses super strength, can deflect bullets with her bracelets, and a golden lasso that compels the person it ties to tell the truth:
Spiderman. Spidey can scale walls, has super strength, can sense danger and can shoot webs from his hands.
Cyclops. Cyke can fire optic blasts from his eyes. The blasts can punch a hole through 6 feet of steel.
Yeah, they all pretty much have powers. Well except for, ahem, Batman, who is just a highly trained guy with a utility belt full of gadgets. Superman is my favorite of course. He has it all. Invunerability, heat vision, x-ray vision, flight, super strength, super hearing, super vision, limitless speed. He's also been called the biggest boy scout. I think with all the powers you need that balance though.
So here readers is the question of the day. If you could have a single super power, even other than the ones I list above, what would it be?
As for me, I pick flying. I think it would be awesome to be able to fly and see what it would be like to be able to cruise under your own power at 35,000 feet.
Yo JP!
I too dig the superfolk and heroes. It started for me when I was seven or eight years old. I sometimes wonder if my age group got more addicted to comics (than todays kids) because of the times. I found the mid-70's to be depressing with TMI, the cold war, high unemployment, general government distrust, and disco music. Although the world might stink, you could pick-up a comic and read about Cyclops (another 'boy scout' and my favorite) fighting not for himself but to stop evil. The good guys would generally win and sometimes at a cost.
I think that my power of choice would be... telekinesis. I know I am not the only one who would choose this one. Tell me that you never tried to make your spoon move. But, beggars shouldn't be choosers, and I think that I would take any superpower.
Flying, would be pretty cool. In one of my childhood dreams I had the ability to fly, but I kept hitting utility lines. Even though I kept hitting utility lines, it is still one of my favorite dreams. Do you think that JC will give us some superpowers in heaven?
Still a boy at heart,
I think when we're breathing celestial air, we'll be able to do more than fly and read minds!
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