Did you do Haiku in school? Haiku is that Japanese poetry that is three lines, 5 syllables on the first line, 7 syllables on the second line, 5 syllables on the third line. Here's a JP original for today:
Ready for a change
The first step taken in snow
Things are looking good!
Have many questions?
I can give many answers
I am left to wait
Whatever happens
My path is as it should be
What will be, will be
For those of you deep thinking poetic interpreters out there, give my verse a go and see what your little minds can come up with!!! More to come on this... =)
I am thinking I know but I got a hint a while ago. Very exciting!
So, you've taken the plunge and applied for a new job...and it's looking really good...and it's finally bringing you to MN...gotta love that! How'd I do?
I hope it's what I think it is :-)
dressing in a suit?
driving in wrotten weather?
what are you thinking?
karen Well you're half right!
kranki / suzieq I'm "cautiously optimistic" =)
judepa new challenges, better benefits, more possibilities...
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