Sunday, March 05, 2006

Disneyworld or Bust!

Disneyworld... Disneyworld...Disneyworld!!! Yeah I'm going to Disneyworld!!!! The countdown to Orlando has begun. I've always loved Disneyworld. I'm not exactly sure why. Could it be my Japanese genes kicking in? Could it be that I am a 6 year old in a 36 year old body? Could it be the flashing lights and the marketing? Hum.....

Wait. That's all not true. I know exactly why I love it. Being there helps remind you of the good that once existed everywhere in our society. It embodies the good and the innocent times gone by. It invokes memories of family vacations and trips with brothers and sisters who were high on soda pop and candy while watching parades go by wide eyed. It reminds you that with imagination, determination, and laughter anything is possible. It allows you to forget about your "normal" life and refresh your mind. It's the ultimate land of Fantasy and Make Believe. Yes I'm a big fan of the Mouse. It's one of the places in this world where I've found that I can totally relax and recharge the batteries. It makes sense being there, and it really is "Where Magic Lives."

My family went there often on vacation. I proposed to my wife there right before the fireworks went off at Cinderella castle. If we ever have kids, we'll take them there often. And if you've never been, give it try and tell me what you think.


Sharkey said...

"If we have kids we'll take them there often"? Often?!? I knew I should've gotten a prenup with the five-year rule written in!

Character Builder said...

Did your brother, Jesus, ever go to Disney with you?

The Q said...

Are you taking "the Wife" with you when you go?

I've never been to Disneyworld, only Disneyland. I'm sure they're a world of difference, right? Oh well...maybe when we're in Florida this July. Yah...maybe not. I cannot imagine how HOT it'll be in Florida in July. I'd melt, I'm sure.

JP said...

Sharkey...You knew it, you married it, you're stuck with it BABY!!!

Character Builder... Yes Jesus has been quite close to me even though he's my dead brother =)

Soozieq...Oh yeah Sharkey is going. Just to give you an idea, Disneyland can fit in part of the parking lot of Disneyworld. And ya July in Orlando, way hot!!! Done that before. If you go, go after 3pm and drink lots of water!!