Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Hunt

It's all about the "Hunt." Do you know what I'm talking about? The "Hunt" is where you decide for some reason unknown to man that you want something. It could be a piece of clothing,

a pair of shoes,

a hat with a certain logo on it,

a new/sweet electronic device,

a new set of golf irons,

Pssssst..... The "Hunt" is currently on for these.... =)

a new car,

or a golf gizmo that's guaranteed to take 10 strokes off your game,

Now once you've acquired the target, the "Hunt" begins. You research the heck out of the item. You view it from every possible angle. You see what it does well, what color it comes in, if the size fits you, if it does everything you think it can do. You read countless reviews on the internet. You stalk the item and check it out at the local merchants. You think of all the possibilities, you see if the size fits you, you swing it around a few times, you think about how it will change your life or make things easier for you for what you have planned for it. You look at internet retailers for prices, search for special sales and discounts, because as my wife, Sharkey, will tell you, one of my favorite lines is, "Retail is for suckers!!" And then once you have cornered your prey, then you have the moral dilemma, "Do I or do I not pull the trigger??"

You know the "Hunt" has become more difficult since I've taken my marriage vows. I pulled the trigger lots of times before when I was a party of one, but now I just find it increasingly difficult to pull that trigger without thinking and talking to the Sharkster. Sharkey often asks me why I need certain things. My reply is the same every time, "It's totally not about need Honey, it's all about want." But as anyone who has participated in the "Hunt" will tell you, once you've pulled the trigger, things afterwards are never as exciting as when you were on the "Hunt." So the solution to that my friends is simple... on to the next "Hunt." Good hunting all!!!!


The Q said...

I have to make sure the Hubs NEVER finds your blog. Seriously...I could see him quoting you (as if that will make whatever he WANTS a NEED....just because someone else has the same "logic")

You are quite hilarious though...so in the right circumstances, I wouldn't mind if he threw out a "JP Jargon Quote". But I'd probably still shoot down his "I HAVE to have this" Hunt item nonetheless ;-)

Kranki said...

I love the hunt. Often I'll hunt and not actually pull the trigger. I must have been a man in a previous life or something.

JP said...

soozieq I've got a lot more JP lines to share so stay tuned. Just so you know, none of my "lines" has ever worked on Sharkey!!

kranki The hunt isn't limited to the male gender cause the fun is all in the pursuit more so than the acquisition. People who never hunt don't know what they're missing! Hunt on Kranki!!

Anonymous said...

Funny JP you never once mentioned an LCD TV in your post!! I'm surprised. I sure do know what you mean though. Ask me sometime about the engagement tires I bought for Craig.

Character Builder said...

Well it's a good sign that you've realized that the hunt is more exciting than actually having the item. Maybe now you'll do more hunting and less buying!