Crossroad time. You know, life changing decision time. Trying to figure out if it's the right time to move up , move onward, further the career or not. I have an opportunity to sit in the big chair. My current Manager is moving on. So I'm trying to figure out if it's time for me to be "The Man." Now mind you I'm happy with the current job. I'm sort of a free spirit. I can come and go as I please for the most part. See I'm a virtual employee. My normal office attire are shorts and a t-shirt. I am in IT, but my company allows me to do the work at home, on the road, where ever I want. I just have to get the job done.
Now if I went for this new gig, I'd be the manager of 19 employees. My problems would not be limited to my own, but 19 other people's needs and issues. My responsibilities would change drastically. I'm starting to make my pro and con list. The difficult thing was hearing from 1/2 of my team directly asking, OK hoping, that I apply to be "The Man." It also does not make it easy that my current manager thinks I would make a good new boss. On top of that, Sharkey has been encouraging me saying it would be a good move for me.
I'm just not sure this is all for me. I'm really on the fence right now. Doing a lot of soul searching. I suppose it depends what my ultimate goal is. If it were to move up in the company or to just gain the experience to move on fine. But I view all this in a way that I'm thinking how can I avoid it all. I suppose that's bad, right? The thing is I'm going for my Master's degree to further the career, but does it mean I need to manage?
See I've been the "go to" guy. The one who comes up with the impossible solutions to everyone's problems. I learn all the rules of the job I do so I can twist, bend, and break them all to get the job done. It has served me very well the past 10 years. Could I step back and not be so hands on and be happy watching other guys do the job and help guide them?
I'm not one to search for a sign or anything, but man I wish that bolt of lightning with the voice would strike now!!!!
Ahem... It is usually "a whisper. A still, small voice." Sorry.
It really does boil down to where you want to go, you know. There is that old saying, "If you don't know where you are going, how will you know when you get there?" or something like that. Being the manager can be cool. It can also SUCK! But odds are, if you go down that road you will never be the hands on guy again. I crossed back over, but man, was it ever bumpy crossing the median between the two roads.
It sounds like you need to join Sharkey in her soul searching regarding the direction of her life and carreer.
Best of luck.
I think if you are going to be the manager, you have to really want to do it, and want the extra responsibility.
After my department was reorganized last year, a bunch of people suddenly found themselves managing small groups. I ended up in one of these groups, and luckily, my boss was great. Unfortunately, a friend of mine was in another group and over a year later, she still has no real direction or goals. If something goes wrong, it's somehow her fault, but she never receives any feedback along the way, and still hasn't written up her 2006 goals (something everyone is supposed to do, with guidance from their boss).
So unless you feel ready to do it, really, don't. Because if you don't enjoy it, it's not just you who's miserable at that point, it's also the people who report to you.
Of course, I don't doubt your competency, and I'm sure you'd be a great manager, if it's something you truly want :o)
I think there is this life assumption that one 'should' to move up and accept increasing responsibility and such but it is very good that you recognize that you are happy where you are and that extra money and duties doesn't mean a better job. I do the 'pros and cons' list all the time myself. I am sure you will choose the right job for you. Let us know how it goes.
oddmix Yeah the median line once crossed can be a big hurdle if you decide to 180. I can totally see it.
lola I totally agree w/ you. I do think about the people a lot and how they would be affected if I took the job w/ reservations and not having my heart in it.
kranki Thanks!! Very nice thoughts you have there.
Personally I would recommend you stay right where you are. Remember it is better to be the big fish in the small pond rather than the small fish in the big pond. How can one put a price tag on personal freedom. You could not pay me enough to take on the problems of 19 fellow employees. Just my humble opinion.
Step Dad
Is it B or NotB?
Enquiring (boolean) minds want to know!
Step Dad But what if you feel like you need a new challenge and you are getting bored? I do really appreciate your opinion though.
Odd Mix You crack me up!! Here's my answer to you in binary, 010011000100111101001100
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