Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I am not AVERAGE!!!

So tonight I went to my Graduate school class. It was a school night like any other. It is the same thing I've been doing every Monday and Wednesday now for a few weeks. I've been having a pretty good time learning new concepts participating in discussions, etc. Well tonight I received my first paper back. My first grade in this class. Well to make a long story short, one of my main assumptions in my paper was COMPLETELY wrong. And so it cost me. BIG!! I received a big fat "C." A "C" means you are "Average." You are one of the pack. Nothing special, just average. You're like a lemming following everyone off a cliff. You are just like most of the population out there. You know, not an achiever, just a coaster. Something akin to almost being a slacker.

Well I am not a coaster, I'm not a slacker and I'm NOT FREAKIN' AVERAGE!!! I have never been average, and I do not get "C's" in school. So driving home I decided I need to make things right in the universe again. Driving home I looked and felt like this:


The deal with the class is that if you aren't happy with your first paper, you can write another one on another topic. Well, I'm taking that deal so I'll be in a writing frenzy tomorrow and proving to myself and my prof that I'm not average!! Determination. Oh yeah got plenty of that. Now I just have to find my stride and write.


Character Builder said...

Nice drawing! Good for you for putting in the effort to get a better grade. If nothing else, at least your prof will see that you actually give a crap!

Kranki said...

Moley! I had a very similar situation where I scored high enough on my entrance exam to get into advanced university english but kept on getting C's on my essays in the class. I would go to the instructor and he would not explain to me what needed improvement. He would just say I should know already. Helpful, right? I found out later he was a bit of a goof and the whole class was getting grades like that and no help from him. Sometimes it is just the instructor. It is great that you get the opportunity to submit a fresh new assignment. I hope things get smoother.